Ernst Mach Workshop VI (2017): The Epistemology of Metaphysics

29.6.-30.6. 2017
AKC, Husova 352/4, Prague 11000
Keynote speakers: Prof. Helen Beebee & Prof. Stathis Psillos
Poster (PDF)
EMW VI Programme (PDF)
EMW VI Abstracts (PDF)
Thursday, June 29th
9:30–11:00 Helen Beebee (Manchester) – The Epistemology of Metaphysics
Coffee break
11:15–12:00 Yafeng Shan (Durham University) – Two ways of Naturalising Metaphysics
12:00–12:45 Katarina Perovic (University of Iowa) – On Metaphysical PseudoQuestions
Lunch break
14:30–15:15 Jesús Zamora Bonilla (UNED, Madrid) – The Ontology of Scientific Realism from a Deflationary Perspective
15:15–16:00 Amanda Bryant (CUNY) – Scientific Metaphysics, Justification, and Fuzzy Disciplinary Boundaries
17:00 – Banquet
Friday, June 30th
9:30–11:00 Stathis Psillos (Athens) – Metaphysics of Science: Fact or Framework?
Coffee break
11:15–12:00 James Miller (Trinity College Dublin) – The Science of the Possible
12:00–12:45 Daniel Dohrn (Humboldt Universität) – Radical Empiricism about Metaphysical Knowledge – A Case Study
Lunch break
14:30–15:15 Karol Kleczka (Jagellonian University, Cracow) – Truthmakers, Explanation, and the Structure
15:15–16:00 Alessandro Torza (UNAM) – Structural Pluralism